Friday, 3 February 2012


Online Campaign

We found a campaign for online safety which tries to emphasise the dangers of online predators and misuse of the Internet and social networking. The front of the handout shows an eye through a webcam with the caption "ONE WEBCAM - Countless peeping Toms" which is used to show the access to individuals using todays technology which directly relates to our theme.

The theme continues on the inside of the handout with the design of a laptop, commonly used by teenagers (our target audience) which allows them to easily recognise the message which is being stressed. The screen shows four main bullet points explaining how you should keep safe on the internet. We have taken these points and used them in reverse in our trailer to show the dangers which can conclude, if they are not followed, in a dangerous situation. 

The back of the card shows few images but gives information such as a website, a phone number and the name of the charity (KSCB - safe guarding the children of Kent)

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