Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Evaluation Question 3

What have you learnt from audience feedback?

Audience response has been helpful in the creation of our trailer due to the contemporary issue our film trailer addresses. We were keen to gain audience response from the beginning of our research first allowing our audience to choose the title of our film. During the process of the creation of our trailer and blog we have gained high levels of audience interest reaching well over 1000 views. As well as a high number of views we have also gained a high audience range as our audience location ranges from not just the UK alone.

Audience feedback played a crucial role in the inital research as we asked audience opinions on various issues in the aid of our challenging and using codes and conventions of genre for example the use of a blonde victim. Audience feedback has been an essential tool in the production of our tasks as for both the poster and website tasks we produced more than one option and then allowed our audience to make the final decision. We created a Questionnaire to help in research of our audience's interests. With the results of this questionnaire previously posted.

 Audience has been most effectively found through the use of social media , specifically "Facebook" as we gained a variety of comments praising our work as well as being critical. Shown below is a Pie Chart displaying the ratio of positive commentary to negative/critical commentary, by this it appears that our trailer has been successful with our target audience.It appears the most effective part of our trailer according to audience feedback is our hanging shot at the end of the sequence in silence , shocking our audience, showing that it has proved effective.

Audience commentary has also emphasised the point of our narrative of how popular the use of social media is with our audience, as we gained our responses through social networking, the most popular form of feedback appeared on Facebook.

Combining the opinions of other media students - we arranged a small focus group to gain audience feedback from people outside of the classroom but aware of the detail that was required in our piece. A small questionnaire was given to them. All students appeared to identify the genre of our piece correctly as a psychological thriller as well as our target audience. Their identification with our audience was significant as it was their age group that was our demographic. 

It also appeared that the most effective part of our trailer was the hanging shot at the end- therefore proving that our trailer had been successful in delivering the message of warning through a cliffhanger ending of our trailer.

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